Restaurant Tsiskvili in Tskneti

It was a mid day of working day at the start of December when I came up with spontaneous idea  - lets leave our work behind and let's go out. I was eager to photography a daylight photography for my 365 photo project. We decided to use public bus instead of using a taxi to get to the Freedom Square in Tbilisi center. So we were standing at bus stop and couldn't figure out which bus actually goes to Freedom Square. I proposed, hey let's take bus #34 heading to Tskenti, which already approached our bus stop.

And so instead of Freedom Square we were heading to Tskenti. Tskenti is very lovely suburb close to Tbilisi, I have been there several times, either during some hiking activities or playing a bowling at Kopola bowling center.

And here we were - wandering around Tskneti. Shortly we found an interesting facade of a place that looked from scenes from Mexico.

Tsisiskvili restaurant in Tskneti

Tsisiskvili restaurant in Tskneti

Bird cage with a lot of apartments in restaurants territory

Bird cage with a lot of apartments in restaurants territory

Winter terrace in Tsiskvili restaurant

Winter terrace in Tsiskvili restaurant

Thus it was at the start of December we visited this place it was already decorated in best Christmas traditions. Just lovely.

Very well done and interesting inside interior

Very well done and interesting inside interior 

Turkish coffee

Turkish coffee

This is my standard like at any Georgian restaurant - a cup of Turkish coffee



Now, this was the masterpiece of this place. Probably a bit spicy, but hey that;s a thing of a good kubdari, it must be spicy.

Lobio in the pot

Lobio in the pot

Another traditional Georgian cuisine

Chicken barbecue

Chicken barbecue 

These are the words you should learn in Georgian to order a chicken barbecue - Katmis Mtsvadi. 

Overall bill at Tsisikvili restaurant

Overall bill at Tsisikvili restaurant

Now, the price probably is well above average, but due to it's great interior/exterior and fantastic service on site, as well delicious food it was worth of every tetri. Highly recommend. 

41.69988, 44.705145