Blog Archive: April 2018

Tranquil Sunset at Dubulti


Dubulti, has been our home since February 2018, we are spending here this Summer. One of the rare and actually only attractions here is the beach. I've been documenting it a lot lately. In today's Piece of Life series - a tranquil sunset from Dubulti beach: Storytelling photo - mother and child in a sunset Actually, that was here in Jūrmala, I decided…

How To Fix: Error: Call to undefined function curl_init()


After upgrading from Ubuntu 12 to Ubuntu 16 I discovered an error for Drupal website sending e-mails using Mailsystem + Postmark here is the error code: Error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in Mail_Postmark->send() (line 322 of /srv/www/ Luckily there is an easy…

Baltic Dividend Stock Market Review - Thoughts After Investing for a One Year


April 2018, marks a small one year anniversary since I've been investing in the Baltic Stock market, more precisely - Baltic dividend stocks.  I decided to invest in the Baltic stocks, once I found I'm too short to open Interactive Brokers account for buying US stocks (required opening minimum is $10,000). Buying Baltic stocks from local brokers (SEB bank…

Planting Onion Springs and Radishes


For the past three years, it has been already a tradition planing some veggies in the garden. For this year's early garden works - planting onion springs and radishes. Planting spring onions Planting radishes

Goodbye Social Sharing Buttons (Speed up Page Load time)


Google recently announced Google Speed search ranking algorithm to be rolled out in July 2018, after which page load times on a mobile for the first time will be a ranking factor for Google. People want to be able to find answers to their questions as fast as possible — studies show that people really care about the speed of a page. Although speed has…

How To Migrate Drupal Website From Host to Another Host


There might be a dozen of reasons why migrating your existing Drupal (or any other CMS) website from one host to another. In today's article, I will share my experience migrating Drupal 7 from one host to another before upgrading to Drupal 8 In this guide, I will migrate Drupal 7 between two separate Linode VPS, at one there is Ubuntu 12.04 and php 5.5…

Lazy Day in The Beach (Dubulti - Majori)


it was one of the sunniest days in early April 2018, we opted in for a Dubulti - Majori (Jūrmala, Latvia) lazy hiking trip. The route is easy and distance is pretty short.  As usual - I was equipped with a camera and captured some moments. The inspiration for this title I took from here: Lazy Day in Beach (Torremolinos, Spain) In fact, that is a thing I…

Top Family Friendly Hotels in Tbilisi When Traveling with Kids


Tbilisi has a lot to offer, traveling to the capital of Georgia with kids actually is a great idea. Fancy attraction parks, lots of outdoor attraction and of course great shopping experience at Tbilisi shopping malls. In today's article I've listed some of the best family-friendly hotels in Tbilisi (alternatively see: Top 10 Boutique / Luxury Hotels in…

During the past 4 years GEL has lost its value against USD by -27.51%


It has been a while since I last time examined GEL/USD exchange rates. It seems more than four years have passed already. Back in 2014, I was concerned about GEL exchange rates because I had some deposits in Georgian National currency. Now in 2018 I don't feel anymore too much concerned, because I have diversified a lot across multiple currencies. I stopped…

To Break Even My GPU Mining Rig, Ethereum Should Reach $5,153


It has been a while since my latest updates with my Ethereum GPU mining rig. In fact, Q1 2018 has been pretty dull for crypto investors, including miners. Long story short - at the end of 2017 I decided to build a small Ethereum GPU mining rig, now in the middle of April 2018, in total, I have invested in this mining rig $1,661, though the total ROI has…

Next stop - Station Dubulti (B&W Photography)


Black and White (B&W) is not the part of my favorite photo techniques, but sometimes a good B&W can add some drama to a photo story. I don't call myself a drama expert (at least in photography), but I have tried in the past and sometimes love to experiment with this photo technique. See: Wandering In The Woods B&W Photography In today's Piece…

Thoughts about Upcoming Dividend Income From Baltic Stocks in May 2018 (Zemaitijos Pienas, Olympic Entertainment Group, Klaipedos Nafta)


It feels like I'm losing ground under my feet when looking on the future dividend income for the month of May 2018.At the start, Olympic Entertainment group announced it's intentions to leave Nasdaq Baltics (here I hopped for lucrative dividends) - I decided to sell my humble holdings of Olympic Entertainment Group and bought instead Kaunas Energijos and…

Highest Deposit Rates in the World by Country 2018


As a small and growing investor, I'm always looking for higher yield investments, and despite deposits doesn't fit in my wealth building strategy, I have made some pocket money in the past.  Update: Highest Deposit Rates in the World by Country 2019 Personally, I would favor peer to peer lending marketplace like over the hustle of opening a…

Top Things to Do in Tbilisi in May


There is a common opinion that spring does not exist in Georgia as far as cold March swiftly flows into desperately hot but rainy April. After having celebrated Easter Georgia is getting ready for the most pleasant and long-expected May – the month that plays a role of a small introduction to the long-awaited summer. May welcomes not only tourists but the…

Easter Egg Painting 2018


The Christ is risen!  Though we already celebrated Easters last week, the Orthodox Church (including Georgia) is celebrating Easters on April 8th, 2018. In today's Piece of Life series - our  already annual tradition - Easter egg painting (from the last week) Easter egg painting 2018 Egg decor for 2018  Cat enjoying painted Easter eggs Easter…