Blog Archive: May 2018

Reducing 10% from existing portfolio (Mintos, Baltic stocks & Crytpo) - To quickly accumulate cash for funding US stock purchases on LynxBroker


I didn't have a plan to reduce my existing holdings, neither from Baltic stocks, Mintos or crypto investments, but in order to keep up with my investment goals - I just have to Long story short - I opened a low-cost European brokerage account at Lynx Broker, and despite it requires a minimum deposit of EUR 3,000 to open an account there, I asked could I do…

Low Cost European Stock Broker - Review

| 42 views is a European (Dutch) discount brokerage offering relatively cheap $5 commissions for US stock trades. is affiliated with Interactive Brokers, and what's really sweet  - the minimum required deposit is just EUR 3,000 Best stock options trading platform in Georgia (and most of the rest of the World) I was struggling to gather…

Matching interest earned on Peer to Peer Lending Platform


Seems that 2018 is a year of great experiments for me, I have started to build up an emergency fund, also I've started 52 weeks money challenge and now I have decided to run another financial experiment - matching interest earned on peer to peer platform. The challenge is simple, at the start of each month I will match and deposit the same…

High Yield Dividend Stock Buy Ideas: AWP, FGB, DHY


I still haven't opened a decent discount stock broker for buying US stocks (I have been in talks of opening a broker account at Lynx Broker), while in the middle of the process, I decided to investigate some high yield dividend stocks in the US. There are dozens of great dividend income blogs, I love to read their monthly dividend income reports and of…

Super Charging May 2019 Dividend Income ($300/mo Goal)


May is one of the busiest dividend paying months from the Baltic Stocks. I've been investing in the Baltic stocks since 2017, and dividend income generated from the Baltic stocks slowly are growing. Nothing to brag about, but still, humble but decent. In May 2017, I made $65.45 from peer to peer lending and Baltic stocks. Although the May of 2018 is just…

April 2018 Dividend Income Report - $95.47


Welcome to the twelfth (#12) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from the Baltic dividend-paying stocks and peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies).Wow, already twelve dividend income reports, that's one year of tracking my road to the million dollars by the time I will turn 60. The last April marked also a small one-year…

Amazon OneLink? No, Thanks - Improve Page Load times by removing Third Party scripts


I felt very enthusiastic once Amazon announced OneLink, it seemed like a missing puzzle to serve international customers and boost earnings as an Amazon associate. Now many months later I have very ambivalent feelings regarding this - yes, I've made some extra dollar (pound and euro) by serving and - on the other hand, earnings from…

How To Regenerate Drupal GMAP Marker Cache (Request for Invalid Marker Set)


Although it doesn't happen often, in rare situations you might get in trouble with GMAP marker sets. The most common case is change with folder permissions or migrating site to another host. How to add Custom Markers for Gmap Module Drupal Here is how it looks: Request for invalid marker set notification And here is how map field looks: Map with a…

Postcards from Kuldīga


Kuldīga has been featured on the blog many times, starting old brick bridge over the Venta river, including flying fish over Venta rapid, ending some of the finest Kuldīga restaurants In today's Piece of Life series - a tranquil sunset from Kuldīga Statue of Love during sunset in Kuldīga A cool, wood carved sculpture. Compare this one with the metallic…