Blog Archive: November 2013

Week #5 of blogging 365 days in a row


<p>Fifth week of <a href="">blogging 365 days in row</a> has already passed away. I need to confess - without future posting feature, nothing wouldn't work…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 6 - Working with blocks


<p>In <a href="… 4</a> of this Drupal tutorial series we created a view with block - Features tours. Now is the right time, to do something with…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 5 - Custom fronpage


<p>By default Drupal comes with frontpage set to display latest 10 nodes from your site:</p><p><img src="; alt="" width="632…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 4 - Creating views


<p>Let's move on with our tourism companies website tutorial.</p><p>In part 1 we created a custom content type - Tours, now it's time to make a few views which will contain data from node related to content type…

10 largest countries by military expenditures 2012


In a world shaped by geopolitical dynamics, military spending plays a pivotal role in defining a nation's strategic capabilities. Let's delve into the realm of defense budgets and unveil the top 10 countries that invest significantly in…

Week #4 of blogging 365 days in a row


<p>3d week of blogging resulted in 15 blog posts. Nothing much to tell more.</p><p>At the end of 3d week I realized there is need to implement some Twitter strategies, do drive traffic to my blog. Decided to use Twitter…

Dauphinoise potatoes


Time by time, I like to experiment with food preparation, this time I decided to make a Dauphinoise potato, inspired by BBC Good Food recipe.  As it might happen, it happened this time as well - I didn't stick to BBC food preparation…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 3 - Better administration


Recently I started a tutorial series - How to build a Drupal site from scratch. In part 1 I'm talking about planing a site. In part 2, I'm showing how to make a subtheme from Bootstrap theme.  Before digging deeper in site customization,…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 2 - Applying a subtheme


Recently I started a tutorial series - How to build a Drupal site from scratch. In part 1 I'm talking about planing a site. In this tutorial I'm giving a real example for building a tourism companies web site for real customer. In part we…

Today will be announced new Prime minister of Georgia


Recently I wrote an article about Georgian press discussing whether the new Prime Minister of Georgia will be David Seergenko. To this day Georgian Press, has already 3 candidates: David Sergeenko, Irakly Gariabshvili and Giorgi…

Display YouTube videos on Drupal site with YouTube field module


Recently I started a new topic series - documentaries, where I publish documentaries I have watched and recommend to watch others. I write a brief description of what each documentary is, and then I embed a YouTube link to show a video on…

First Month Blogging Results: Blog Statistics October 2013


As a new blogger, it's exciting to reflect on the progress made in the first month of blogging. I've put in a lot of effort to create content, and it's interesting to see the results. One of the key metrics to track as a blogger is the…

30 days Twittering in a row


As you may have noticed, I recently ran a contest for 365 days of consecutive blogging. Now that it's the start of November and I'm brainstorming ways to drive more traffic to my blog, I've decided to give Twitter a try. The idea is to…