Blog Archive: February 2018
Rixwell Elefant Hotel Riga Review
| 8 viewsRixwell Elefant Hotel is a 4-star superior hotel and it is conveniently located between Riga International Airport, which is a 5-minute drive away, and the city centre. Shopping center Spice is within walking distance from the hotel and 10…
January 2018 Dividend Income Report - $100.95
| 6 viewsWelcome to the ninth (#9) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) in January 2018. Surprisingly, but January 2018 turned out much better I…
How To Connect to SimpleMiningOS using Putty SSH Terminal And Few Simple Commands to Get You Started
| 40 viewsPutty is a nice and neat free SSH terminal for Windows OS, I've been using Putty for years, mostly to perform server-side tasks (Ngnix, Drupal and so on). About a month ago when I started gpu mining experiment and decided to build 12 GPU …