Republic Square in Yerevan


Republic Square in Yerevan definitely is the city's one of main landmarks and popular tourist spots. I first discovered it back at the start of January 2014, and have returned to Yerevan city since then a couple of more times. My latest…

Life Expectancy in European Union 2015


In today's article - Life expectancy in European Union (EU).  Life expectancy equals the average number of years a person born in a given country expected to live if mortality rates at each age were to remain steady in the future. In…

Average Salary in European Union 2016


My previous two articles about average salaries in European Union (EU) member countries turned out to be one of the most popular on the blog so far, I would even call them killer articles.  The first post about average salary in EU for…

Duna de Bolonia


Duna de Bolonia is located in the Bolonia beach, some 20km west of Tarifa. This dune is over 30 metres high and 200 metres wide, and stands out within the huge system of dunes to which it belongs. Located in the Bolonia Inlet, within the …

Bolonia Beach near Tarifa


Bolonia beach or Playa Bolonia is located on the shores of Atlantic Ocean some 20 km west of Tarifa. We got here at the start of June, 2016 early in the morning, just after checked out from La Codorniz hotel. The beach and bay is also…

Park Hotel in Yerevan Review


In mid March, 2016 we visited Yerevan again, this time we booked a boutique hotel on Koghbatsi street - Park Hotel.  We booked this hotel on for about EUR 80 per night, and stayed here for two or three nights (don't remember…

LEMP Server Ubuntu 12.04 for serving Drupal on Nginx


In this tutorial you will learn how to setup a LEMP stack on Ubuntu 12.04 for serving a Drupal site (s). Update: I originally started this post to document my setup for actually configuring Nginx server on Ubuntu for Drupal site at the…

La Codorniz Hotel Review in Tarifa


We were driving around area of Tarifa, it was getting already dark, we hadn't yet booked any hotel. Our hope was that we will easily book some hotel on site. In fact we made a stop at some 3 roadside hotels. hostels but they all were fully…

16 Things to do in Batumi


Batumi is a port city of Georgia, located on the shores of the Black sea. Pebbled beaches energize you with their natural force and astonish with the beauty of seashells that can easily be found right in the rocks, especially after storms…

Postcards from Batumi


At the start of March 2016, after about a two-year break I visited Batumi again. This time I was equipped with a DSLR camera, a tripod, and two days of free time. I decided to capture as much as I can. Result? In the pictures below. …

Spooky Images from Tarifa, Spain


We were heading from Gibraltar towards Tarifa, still searching for accommodation for tonight when we were surprised by a natural phenomenon - the mist. Mist rolling over highway Mist rolling over highway It was getting late and dark…



I have never been to the United Kingdom, today, thus, I had a chance to step a foot on British Overseas territory - Gibraltar. Nope, they are driving the same as in the rest of Europe (left side wheel), but some particles of British taste…

Cafe-Bar El Hacho, Gaucin


Cafe-Bar El Hacho in Gaucin proudly bears hundredth cafe name featured on blog. See all the rest 100 restaurant reviews. We made a quick stop here, just shortly we left Ronda (Ronda Bridge) and took a small tapas and coffee con - lece's…

How to Fix Missing MarkeClusterer Icons for Drupal Gmap Module


I have been using Drupal + Mapping for years already. My most favorite combination Location + Gmap module for entering and displaying location info.  Recently I did upgrade for Gmap module for this blog and things went wrong - customized…

Puente Nuevo (Ronda Bridge)


The Puente Nuevo (New Bridge) or as we called it - Ronda Bridge is the newest and largest of three bridges that span the 120-metre (390 ft)-deep chasm that carries the Guadalevín River and divides the city of Ronda, in southern Spain. We…