Forest Mushrooms - Penny Bun & Red-Capped Scaber Stalk


A few days ago I reported a photo story with a harvest of mushrooms from our backyard, then we gathered fungus called Slippery Jack, in today's Piece of Life series - a harvest from deepest woods of Courland (Latvia), meet Penny Bun &…

Beam Strengthening on Stone Wall - Building Bathroom from Scratch - Part 3


The never ending story with my adventures on home remodeling and building a bathroom continues. In todays part 3 I will tell you a brief photo story how I strengthened a beam on the stone wall. See part 1 and learn more how I actually…

Mushrooms in backyard


The other day my aunt visited us at our country house, we spent some lovely time together, and while somewhere in the woods near Akmenrags lighthouse we hunted for chanterelle fungi, should I mention we found just enough to make a barely…

Akmenrags Lighthouse


Akmenrags Lighthouse (Latvian: Akmeņraga bāka) - a lighthouse on the Latvian coast of the Baltic Sea, located to the south of the resort town of Pāvilosta. I first visited Akmensrags Lighthouse in the mid Summer of 2016 together with my…

Another morning, another beatiful mist


It seems I have a new tradition - for the second year in the row I have captured beautiful morning mist in our country house backyard. Alright, previous year my beloved did the shooting while I was dreaming about roof works. This time I…

Cats on The Rocks


Recently I featured a post about how we built a rock garden in the front of our country house. I reported a lovely sunset just shortly. In today's Piece of Life series - little creatures who enjoys the most of our new rock garden. Meet our…

Red Sunset in our Rock Garden - Cool Evening Mood


This Summer spoiled us with a lovely sunsets, but one of the most empathic had been observed  in front of our house at rock garden.  Red/Orange Sunset at Rock Garden See how we built this rock garden a few days ago. Country house…

Drupal 7.50 introduces User warning messages for incorectly removed modules


The other day I did perform a minor upgrade from Drupal 7.43 to Drupal 7.50, and was a bit scarred when noticed a huge warning page, at first I thought there are some problems with my files and folders or I have done something terribly…

Beam Replacement for Old house - Building Bathroom from Scratch - Part 2


Here comes another update on home remodeling works - building a bathroom from scratch. After I successfully concreted stone wall it was time to install new beams. For this side of house we did not had any beams installed (ok, they were,…

Our neighbor - Fox baby


For the second year in the row we have one small and lovely neighbor - baby fox. Once we met him at the bus stop, looked amazing - fox going to the city, the other morning bad farmers had mowed crop fields and baby fox seemed very…

Making Rhubarb Wine


In our garden we have a lot of rhubarbs, one thing you can make out of them is a rhubarb cake, but turns out there is at least one more thing you can do with rhubarbs - you can try to make a wine.  In today's Do It yourself series - my (…

Gravel for road surface and rock garden


The other day I first met with one of our closet neighbors, he approached me and told me, that in couple of days he will cover road (we are sharing together) with a gravel. I already mentioned it in my previous post about pond works.  I…

Building a Rock Garden


Today we made a rock garden from scratch, well almost. The thing is - idea to have a rock garden have always been in our minds, but we hadn't yet figured out how to solve the biggest question - rocks. We had already idea of place were…

Building a foundation for a garden oven - Part 1


Idea to have a nice garden pizza oven were sit first already last year, together with the works we started shaping a form of our rural house, we recently inherited. Thus we had to wait for more than a year, before actually proceeding. …

Pond Digging - Part 3 - The Result


This morning started with a surprise, I was still sleeping, when my partner awakened me and told - pond guys are digging. I was surprised, because I didn't heard a sound. Maybe I was too tired from yesterday's pond draining or as it turned…