Blog Archive: June 2014

GDP per capita in Ukraine: Past, Present, and Future (2014)


The Ukrainian economy has struggled to reach its full potential, with a GDP per capita of $3,866 thousands in 2012. Despite recent developments, such as the signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union, Ukraine's economy…

Experienced my first Earth Quake - Tbilisi


Today for the first time in my life I felt tremors of earth quake and it happened in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. Nothing serious, as it's was announced in news - magnitude of this quake was 4.8. Although using other sources I found it was…

How to setup Facebook Custom Audiences Pixel


Facebook Custom Audiences Pixel is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience on the social media platform. The pixel tracks website visitors and converts that data into a custom audience for retargeting campaigns. In…

Exploring the Frozen Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh: A Look into the Past and Present (2014)


I spent a lovely afternoon at one of the many parks in Tbilisi on Eristavi street. I was surprised to see that there were many American people living or walking around the area. I had some free time and decided to buy an English newspaper…

Georgia and the EU: Deepening Ties through Association Agreement (2014)


Georgia, a small country located in the Caucasus region, has recently signed an Association Agreement with the European Union (EU). The agreement, which was signed on June 27, 2014, aims to deepen the political and economic ties between…

"Improving Blogging Habits: Setting a Minimum of 400 Words per Article for Better SEO


Today, I investigated my blogging habits and found a pretty sad scene. On average, I blog only 200 words a day, and sometimes even less. I am willing to change that. Since October 2013, I have been running a "Can you blog 365 days in a row…

Tips and Tricks for Crafting a Comprehensive 2000-Word Article


Writing an article that is 2000 words or more can seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and techniques, it can be a rewarding experience. Whether you are writing for your blog, website, or academic purposes, a lengthy…

Google Domains: The One-Stop-Shop for All Your Domain Needs


Google is a company that has made a name for itself in a wide range of industries. From search engines to smartphones, they've managed to become a leader in many different fields. One of the lesser-known areas in which Google operates is…

South Ossetia's Call for Integration with Russia: A Controversial Move


South Ossetia, a breakaway region of Georgia, has expressed its desire to join the Russian Federation. The region has been de facto independent since a 2008 war between Georgia and Russia, which resulted in Russia's recognition of the…

Summer Solstice in Tbilisi (2014)


There are some nations that celebrate Summer Solstice, most of them located in Eastern Europe. Celebrating Summer Solstice involves having a bonfire. Since in Georgia, nobody celebrates Summer Solstice, and it was a working day, we…

How to Grow Your Twitter Account to 2,000 Followers


Twitter is a powerful platform for engaging with your audience, building brand awareness and driving traffic to your website. However, growing your Twitter account can be a daunting task, especially if you’re just starting out. In this…

Amazon Associates Program: How to Apply and Get Started


If you’re looking to monetize your website or blog, Amazon’s Affiliate program is an excellent option. As the world’s largest online retailer, Amazon offers a wide variety of products, and as an affiliate, you can earn commissions on the…

How to Schedule your tweets with Tweetdeck


Lately, I have been playing around with Twitter. One thing to do on Twitter is to get followers, second thing is to compose tweets. It can be vice versa as well (Actually it should). Since your Twitter followers are growing you start…

What Happened to Google Plus?


Google Plus was Google's attempt at creating a social media platform that could compete with the likes of Facebook and Twitter. Launched in 2011, Google Plus initially gained some traction, with millions of users signing up for the service…

Add Pin It button to hover over any image


In this tutorial I will show how to add Pin it button for every image on your website. But before that you might check my tutorial how to add Pin it button to Drupal 7  Bellow is an example with working hover Pin it button Hover over…