Tartine Brasserie - French Restaurant in Tbilisi


Tartine Brasserie is one of the rare places in Tbilisi where brunch is served in weekends. I have been in research for perfect breakfast restaurant in Tbilisi for past couple of weeks already, last week I tried so called breakfast menu at …

How to Get around in Tbilisi by Taxify (Taxi Mobile Application)


There is a very convenient way of getting around in Tbilisi by taxi using mobile application Taxify. I probably first heard of this company at the end of 2014 by visiting Georgian Startup challenge organized by GITA.  For my travels…

How to add Custom Markers for Gmap Module Drupal


Gmap custom markers are cool way to enhance your Drupal site. My blog heavily really on Drupal Views + Gmap + Location module. Most of the articles listed in Restaurant reviews, tourist attractions or hotel reviews are nicely displayed on…

Pruning trees and shrubs


One of my biggest challenges last summer was unstoppable fight with grass (see: Lawn Mowing), not to mention larger scale works on roof replacement. But there was another major issue we faced - overgrown bushes and totally deprived…

Roof Works, Part 5 - And once more let's remove old roofing


Think roof works are cool? In fact - roofing is one of the hardest works in construction and if you have decided by your own to replace your old roofing - think again!  Anyway - let me show - how once again (See: Replacing Roof - Part 1:…

Actual Price Index at Tbilisi Market - March 2016


Yup, another hipster style article about actual prices for consumer goods at local Tbilisi market (Bazroba). It has been a while since I decided to measure how lari/dolar exchange rates influence actual prices, if you, just like me are an…

New Life for Agmashenebeli avenue, Tbilisi


A major and very much needed reconstruction works recently (February 2016) have begun on one of the major Tbilisi streets - David Agmanashebeli avenue. Funded by Tbilisi Development Fund (which is pretty much financed from city budget +…

Chops by the River - Restaurant & Grill


Chops by the River restaurant and grill is now among my favorite Tskenti restaurants, and allow me to say among Tbilisi restaurants as well. Located in village of Tskneti this restaurant offers single priced grill menus and very pleasant…

Drupal IMCE very slow on uploading images - here is how to fix


It has been about a year, since I noticed IMCE upload is damn slow when uploading images for my photo stories or just any other articles. For a very long time I was convinced that it's some cdn or JavaScript incompatibility (because…

Postcards from Modena, Italy


Modena is a little charming town in the middle of Italy. Known as the birthplace of Worlds famous Ferrari car. We spent a few days in vicinity of Modena (during our recent trip to Italy), enjoyed a colorful facades of houses, narrow…

Juliet's House in Verona, Italy


As testified by the coat of arms on the internal arch-way of the court-yard, this house belonged to the “Dal Cappello” or “Cappelletti”. The building, dating back to the 13th and renovated in the last century, features the balcony where…

Let's Encrypt to fix HTTPS Certificate incompatibility with Windows XP and Google Chrome


It was about a month ago - when I successfully installed secure https pages for my blog, I opted for using free certificate provided by Let's Encrypt certificate authority. I first heard Let's Encrypt certificate authority from KeyCDN. It…

Number of Passengers served in Georgian Airports (2010-2015)


Civil aviation is slowly but for certain growing in Republic of Georgia. There were in total four airports in Georgia in 2016. Tbilisi International Airport, Kutaisi David the Builder International Airport, Batumi International Airport and…

New Design and Upgraded Security for Lari (GEL) Banknotes


On February 1st, 2016 the National Bank of Georgia issued upgraded Lari banknotes. It was mid February when first upgraded banknote ended up im my hands, I got it at local Procredit ATM.  My first thought was that I have probably by…

Guest House Hapi in Jūrmala


If there is a reason I will remember Hapi guest house in Jūrmala, then probably its green walls and super unprofessional staff attitude will be among top of them.  Hapi guesthouse in Jūrmala We stayed here for one night back in August…