Blog Traffic Report - January 2015 - 19,798 Users


Welcome to already 16 my blog's statistics and traffic report, this time covering month of January, 2015. 16 months ago I started a journey called blogging. I have done those reports from first month I started to blog, to measure were I…

My Savings Report January 2015 - GEL Loses It's Value Against USD For 14% Since September


A time ago, in September 2014, I started to save some money, I was so eager to save money, that I even started a new category on my blog - 'Savings Reports'. 4 months from my first, and yet latest, Savings report have passed, back then in…

Hiking Trails in Tbilisi - Turtle Lake (Kus Tba) - Tskneti


I believe one of my most favourite places in Tbilisi is a Turtle Lake (Kus Tba). I have been heading here pretty often, actually just a few weeks ago we did a shorter hiking route heading from Turtle lake to Vake Park. There are pretty…

How Amazon Associates Receives Their Checks in Republic of Georgia - Part 2


Welcome to the 2 part of my blog series on how Amazon Associates receives checks and gets them redeemed in the Republic of Georgia. How participants of the Amazon Associates program are getting paid in the Republic of Georgia by a bank…

From Fitness Centers to Rafting Adventures: Living in Georgia's Top Activities


As a celebration of my 100th post in the 'Living in Georgia' category, I decided to put together a travel-friendly guide of the best places, activities, and ideas that I have discovered during my time living in this amazing country.…

'Bank Republic' Georgia Offers Check Redemption


Some time ago I made a post about how Amazon Associates are getting paid in the Republic of Georgia, I was wise enough to call that article "Part 1" because I knew there will be a long and probably complicated procedure of  "cashing" a…

'Hilton Batumi' Hotel Will be Opened in May, 2015


Today looking through Georgian news, I found another interesting news about plans of opening Batumi Hilton hotel in this (2015) May.  I lived for a short period of time in Batumi, back in 2012, and I do remember they had a lot of visionary…

Veterinary Clinic Natia Beridze in Tbilisi


In case you are looking for a veterinary clinic for your pet, I can suggest you Natia Beridze on Nutsubidze street in Tbilisi. Natia is a fantastic person, she just loves animals so you shouldn't be worried that of your pet wont be taken…

Drupal 8 Configuration for Nginx Server Blocks, Ubuntu 14.04


After a long period of doubts should I start testing and developing with Drupal 8, which stable version is not yet released, yesterday I decided to give a try for a Drupal 8 beta release. I bought a new Linode VPS, quickly deployed there…

Il tredicesimo apostolo (The Thirteenth Apostle) TV series


A long time has passed since I wrote about the TV series I watch - it could mean just one - I watch them less. Well, that doesn't mean I'm not watching any more TV series at all. I'm! So - here comes one interesting TV series from Italy…

Affordable Rental Prices in Catalonia, Spain - Starting EUR 400.00/month


Today I was looking for long term apartment rentals in Spain and I was surprised of how cheap some of them are. Honestly, looking through some of the photos I was surprsied.I have been in Spain just once, and I have seen just a small part…

Restaurant 'Деловой ...' Review in Tskneti


Welcome to another Tbilisi Restaurant review - today I will speak of a restaurant located in Tbilisi Suburbs in Tskenti. The problem is that I don't know name of this restaurant, today I asked a locals and they told it's called a 'Biz...…