Boris Grebenshchikov and Aquarium @ Tbilisi Concert Hall


Yesterday Boris Grebenshchikov and his band Aqurium performed at Tbilisi Concert Hall. Although I'm not huge fan of him I must admit, he is so called Russian Rock Grandfather and it would be a crime to waste an opportunity to visit his…

Caucasus Tourism Fair 2014


Every year in start of April, in Tbilisi, Georgia tourism fair is held. I'm visiting it already third time. This time I got some emptiness feeling, it doesn't looks like organizers has made any promotion both to attract visitors and…

North Korea - Crossing the line


The film is about a former U.S. Army soldier, James J. Dresnok, who defected to North Korea on August 15, 1962. The film was directed and produced by British filmmakers Daniel Gordon and Nicholas Bonner, and was shown at the 2007 Sundance…

Drupal 7 Archive Drop Down Menu


In this tutorial I will show how to create Drop-down menu for your monthly archives using Drupal 7 and views. At first, please read this Drupal 7 tutorial on how to create Drupal archive page. By following this guide, you will learn how…

Auto blog to Twitter using Twitterfeed


You are managing your blog, not some social media agency, right? Although you have created your profile in different social media, like Twitter, Facebook or Google+? As time goes, you are notifying your social accounts seems dead, what to…

Add Menu Classes In Drupal 7


In this Drupal tutorial I'll show how to add menu classes to your Drupal 7 website using template.php file. Original of this tutorial has been found here. Add this function to your template.php file: <?php /** * theme_menu_link…

Redirect non www to www - Apache .htaccess


It has been years since I last time used .htaccess file available in Apache. I'm using Ngnix servers for 99.9 of mine work. But today I had an opportunity to work on Apache environment, which uses .htaccess file. So in order to rewrite…

Da Vinci's Demons Season 2


<p>Da Vinci's Demons season 2 aired on March 22, 2014.&nbsp;</p><p>I really enjoyed first season and was inpatient to see Season 2.&nbsp;</p><p>Maybe of very interesting ending at finale episode…

Add Viewport in the <head> in Drupal 7


In this Drupal Tutorial I will show how to add a new HTML in Drupal 7 head section. I'm using responsive design to enable my blog work pretty ok on mobile devices, but yesterday looking through Google PageSpeed Insights suggestions I…

A Time Lapse of green wall - Day 1


There is a one really nice looking wall located in Tbilisi, I would like to show it to you, that building is left from the brick wall building opposite to me, and I'm seeing it every day, for the last one year.  The wall is grown with…

Georgia - Day of National Unity


25 years ago, on April 9th, 1989 in Tbilisi, then Georgian SSR tragic events took place, what later were named as Tbilisi tragedy, Tbilisi Massacre or April 9th Tragedy.  Nowadays April 9th is marked as public holiday and called a the Day…

Performing Joomla 1.5 convert to Drupal 7


Over past couple of years, I have many times seen a bad Joomla site, which either is hacked or is not working as it should, and I have converted those sites to Drupal. The most strange things is, there is always some Joomla developer, who…

Father's David church, Mtatsminda pantheon and other


What to do in weekends when in Tbilisi? Grab your camera, and make some scenic views. This time - photos from Tbilisi, taken in April 5th, 2014, visiting Mama Daviti church, Mtatsminda pantheon and other.

6 month of blogging each day has passed


I started this blog on October 4th, 2013, and I started my blogging experience with a promise to blog 365 days in a row (including Christmas, New Years day and other) I'm half way there. So I decided to give some insights how I'm…

My online income report - March 2014


My online income in March dropped by half, and totalled to really modest $5.51.In average I earned about $0.177 a day, what is significant drop compared to previous month, when in daily average I earned $0.34Highest earnings per day: $1.…