Building Drupal 8 Website From Scratch - Part 3, Essential Modules (Pathauto, Google Analytics, Disqus)


In the third part of Drupal 8, website building from a scratch series I will focus on a few essential must have, modules to boost Drupal website's SEO and usability. Before continuing to learn how to build a successful Drupal 8 Website,…

Buying a Vineyard in Georgia


The other day a blog reader asked me about purchasing a vineyard in the Republic of Georgia. I do feel flattered being honored as an expert in such topics, but in fact, I'm not. Sure I have visited a couple of wineries in Georgia (Château…

How To Update Drupal Modules via SSH (Putty)


To strengthen Drupal websites security I decided to disable one-click automatic module updates from Drupal dashboard, unfortunately, it makes it harder not even for bad guys to compromise Drupal website but it also makes it harder for…

2 day tour in "Soviet Georgia"


Now, this is interesting, today I was browsing Viator for tours in Georgia, and this one caught my attention - 2 days in Soviet Georgia starting $335.00 My attention was caught with that lovely yellow Soviet VAZ car, I quickly imagined…

Tapping Birch Sap in the Backyard


Can't decide on a new hobby? Think about tapping birch sap in early spring. Depending on the region you are located and availability of birch trees you might even enjoy this drink - a birch sap. In today's article a few photos from…

Securing Drupal Files and Folders (Chmod, Security Review, Hacked)


There are a couple of great helper modules for Drupal to learn more about failing security holes - Security Review and Hacked.  Security Review The Security Review module automates testing for many of the easy-to-make mistakes that…

Building Drupal 8 Website From Scratch - Part 2 (Content Types, Custom Fields, Manage Display)


In the second part of the series Building Drupal 8 Website from the scratch I will cover details on working with content types and node displays. Make sure to check out part 1, before proceeding. When comparing Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, there…

Confession from a Day Trader. Part 1 Denial - I'm not a Day Trader


Confessions of a day trader is an interesting term, I first discovered about a year ago - a guy from Norway, living in Riga, contacted me about some issues with doing business in Georgia. That guy turned out to be a day trader, writing a…

Kitesurfing Pāvilosta


Seems Pāvilosta is a popular spot for kitesurfing among surfers from the Baltics. It was on mid-June 2017 we decided to visit lovely white sand beaches near Pāvilosta piers when I noticed some kitesurfer gathering. Seems there was a good…

3 High Yield Paying European/US Dividend Stocks in June


I'm still on my way of building a million dollar retirement account from scratch by the time I will turn 60 (in 2045). Right now, in June 2018, I've reached just about 1.87% from my goal. My investments this year have been spread across …

Pesto Cafe Review in Kiev


Pesto Cafe is a popular restaurant chain located in Kiev, Ukraine. We visited branch located near the Independence square (located inside the shopping mall Globuss). Actually, that was the closest restaurant from our hotel room at Hotel…

Grass Trimming 2017


It was back at the end of June 2017, we had just returned from about month-long travel (Turkey, Georgia, and Greece) to notice that grass have more than overgrown. I took my old pall - Edward The Trimmer and started my fight with the…

Varenichnaya Katyusha Restaurant in Kiev


Varenichnaya Katyusha (Вареничная Катюша) is another cool Kiev's restaurant, discovered by accident back in the Summer of 2017.Turns out Вареничная Катюша is a popular restaurant chain across the Kiev. But I didn't know that back when…

Building Drupal 8 Translation Project Management System From Scratch


There are many translation project management systems out there, some are better, some are not so good, some are for free or open source while others might be pricey.  Working in a close and good corporation with a translation company in…

Disco Boat Tours in Kiev, along the Dnieper River


Boat Tours in Kiev, along the Dnieper River kind of reminded me a popular track from early 2000 by Electric Six - Danger! High Voltage. Loud music, a lot of booze and hell - it's really cool. We were just checked in at Hotel Ukraine, had…