Facebook Login Button For a Drupal website


<p>So - another request come from a client - to add a Facebook login button for a Drupal website.</p><p>As for a start it might sound like easy to handle a task - I spent about a week to figure out the best possible…

Drupal Menu Badges + Views + Flags + Rules = Counting Messages


<p>The Drupal project I'm currently working with get's complicated each and every day - so for a start I faced a problem to display dynamic content as menu items - i found a great not to say one of the greate findings this…

17 Best ACER Laptops You Can Buy Online on Amazon


I still remember days when I bought my first Laptop - it was ACER Travelmate laptop about 12 years ago - it served me for some 2 or 3 years, then I bought my first HP laptop. Good old days. Now - on this BEST SELLING ACER list you will…

Menu Tokens Module for Drupal Site


<p>On the project I'm working lately there is need for many not so simple solutions - one of them involves using Profile2 module, for creating a multi level user profile page - like there is one page for e-mail and password,…

How To Display Drupal nodes You Created 1 Year Ago?


<p>It turns out - yesterday on October 3d - my blog had a birthday - it was exatly one year since my first blog post appeared on reinisfischer.com</p><p>On that day I created 2 posts:</p><ol><li><a…

My Online Income Report - September 2014


This is already my 9th Online Income report, now covering my earnings in month of September 2014.For a start - I must admit - September did break a bank and outperformed results of previous 8 months counted total. So how much did my blog…

Drupal: Create Dynamical Menus with Menu Views


Today working on a customer's Drupal project, I found a kind of strange need - to display for authenticated users their flagged content in a drop-down menu - kinda Facebook, LinkedIn behavior, when you click on gear icon and magic happens…

Blog Traffic Report - September 2014


Welcome to my monthly blog traffic report. This month it's kinda special it marks 12 months since I started to blog. Though the full one year of blogging will be marked on October 10th.A year ago - I started my blogging adventure, and one…

Building a Savings Account in Georgia (2014)


n September 2014, I started a journey to build a savings account in the fast-developing economy of Georgia. With a strong command of the Georgian economy, I saw the potential to grow my income from my online sources and put it to work for…

16 Best Sony Laptops You Can Buy Online - Amazon


Sony has been known for producing top-quality laptops with excellent design and features. While Sony no longer produces laptops, there are still many great options available for those who are looking for a reliable Sony laptop. In this…

Highest Deposit Interest Rates in Europe


When it comes to choosing where to invest your money, finding a high-yield savings account is a priority for many. Across Europe, there are numerous banking institutions offering competitive interest rates on deposits. In this article, we…

Boosting Your Financial Future: How to Open a Savings Account in Georgia with ProCredit Bank (2014)


For many years, I have been envisioning how to optimize my personal finances. Despite my aspirations, I have never established a savings account. However, I have decided to rectify this situation. A savings account serves as a secure…

How to solve Nginx: 413 Request Entity Too Large error


If you have ever encountered an error message that says "Nginx: 413 Request Entity Too Large", you know how frustrating it can be. This error message usually pops up when you try to upload a file that is too large for your server to handle…

Drupal Panels: A Powerful Tool for Layouts, But Are They Too Complicated?


As a content management system, Drupal offers a range of powerful features that make it a top choice for developers and businesses alike. One such feature is Drupal Panels, which allows you to create custom page layouts without needing to…

How to Install ownCloud on Linode - Ubuntu 14.04


OwnCloud is a self-hosted, open-source file sharing and cloud storage platform that allows individuals and organizations to store, access, and share files securely from any device. With OwnCloud, users can create and collaborate on…