Google Domains: The One-Stop-Shop for All Your Domain Needs
| 1 viewsGoogle is a company that has made a name for itself in a wide range of industries. From search engines to smartphones, they've managed to become a leader in many different fields. One of the lesser-known areas in which Google operates is…
South Ossetia's Call for Integration with Russia: A Controversial Move
| 5 viewsSouth Ossetia, a breakaway region of Georgia, has expressed its desire to join the Russian Federation. The region has been de facto independent since a 2008 war between Georgia and Russia, which resulted in Russia's recognition of the…
Summer Solstice in Tbilisi (2014)
| 5 viewsThere are some nations that celebrate Summer Solstice, most of them located in Eastern Europe. Celebrating Summer Solstice involves having a bonfire. Since in Georgia, nobody celebrates Summer Solstice, and it was a working day, we…
How to Grow Your Twitter Account to 2,000 Followers
| 0 viewsTwitter is a powerful platform for engaging with your audience, building brand awareness and driving traffic to your website. However, growing your Twitter account can be a daunting task, especially if you’re just starting out. In this…
Amazon Associates Program: How to Apply and Get Started
| 8 viewsIf you’re looking to monetize your website or blog, Amazon’s Affiliate program is an excellent option. As the world’s largest online retailer, Amazon offers a wide variety of products, and as an affiliate, you can earn commissions on the…
How to Schedule your tweets with Tweetdeck
| 27 viewsLately, I have been playing around with Twitter. One thing to do on Twitter is to get followers, second thing is to compose tweets. It can be vice versa as well (Actually it should). Since your Twitter followers are growing you start…
What Happened to Google Plus?
| 0 viewsGoogle Plus was Google's attempt at creating a social media platform that could compete with the likes of Facebook and Twitter. Launched in 2011, Google Plus initially gained some traction, with millions of users signing up for the service…
Add Pin It button to hover over any image
| 5 viewsIn this tutorial I will show how to add Pin it button for every image on your website. But before that you might check my tutorial how to add Pin it button to Drupal 7 Bellow is an example with working hover Pin it button Hover over…
Cycling to Tbilisi sea and back
| 5 viewsToday was a great Saturday, we took our bikes and rode to Tbilisi sea and back. It was all day long (more than four hours) fun experience in very hot Summer day in Georgia. Total distance: 16.9 km, Climb: 213 m, Time: 4.30h, Feelings:…
How to check Google rankings with Google Spreadsheets
| 7 viewsIn this article I will show, how you can check and track your SERP with Google Spreadsheets.But at first I will tell you a story - More than 3 years ago I started to work on a hobby (but large scale site) dedicated to Georgia. It was built…
Google+ comments block for Drupal site
| 3 viewsLately I have been paying more attention to power of Google+ and so I decided to give a try to Google+ comments on a Drupal site. Google for me generates about 70-80 percent of traffic, and so I guess most of the users will have Google…
How to align Facebook like, Google + and Twitter buttons?
| 11 viewsWorking on a project I faced a problem how to align social share buttons. By default I'm not paying much attention to this, but there are circumstances you must provide clean work. So here is the example: These are social share buttons…
Switching to Caucasus Online internet
| 0 views<p>For a last year in Tbilisi, I have used Silknet DSL internet connections, and everything was fine, till day it was not fine. I don't know the reason why, but Silknet's DSL stopped working as expected. You can <a href…
Devious Maids
| 8 views<p>Devious Maids is another great TV series to watch. </p><p><strong>About Devious Maids</strong></p><p><span>Four Latina maids with ambition and dreams of their own work for the…
New Amsterdam
| 7 views<p>New Amsterdam is a TV series made on 2008, and lasted just for 8 series. </p><p>Why I found these series interesting? Producers has tried to make something very interesting. As you may already know - New York…