Georgia - The Most Beautiful Country In The World


The other day I was reading an article in which the head of the World Tourism Organization Claimed - Georgia is the most beautiful country in the world. Well, I can ONLY agree with the words from the head of WTO, Mr. Taleb Rifai, and to…

The Bell Tower of Cadiz Cathedral


I don't know how many popular tourism objects in Spain's Cadiz there are, but the Cathedral of Cadiz and it's bell tower should be among them for sure. We visited Cadiz for couple of hours in June 2016, arrived here from El Puerto de…

Postcards from Cadiz


My latest trip to Spain took us to the sunny and astonishing city of Cadiz. In today's Piece of Life series - a fraction, os simply Postcards from Cadiz. Square in Cadiz Cádiz is a city and port in southwestern Spain. It is the capital…

Port of Cadiz Bay


We used Port of Cadiz Bay (Puerto de Cadiz) twice - first for entering from El Puerto de Santa Maria, second for leaving back to, yes you re right, back to the El Puerto Santa Maria again. At Reina Victoria pier in Cadiz-City Basin, there…

Average Monthly Salary in Former Soviet Union Republics 2016


About two years ago I first compared average monthly salary in Former Soviet Union Republics. Now, two years later, I decided to compare again. I was surprised after seeing results. Let me explain. First - call it as you wish - major…

Castle of San Marcos (El Puerto de Santa María)


While waiting for our ferry departing for Cadiz, we had a chance to visit a local fair in El Puerto de Santa Maria). I made some interesting photography here. One of the first tourism objects I noticed in El Puerto was Castle of San Marcos…

How I Made $1,000 with Google AdSense in 7 years


Yes, I know the title doesn't sounds too much promising. Do a quick Google search and there will be zillion of results pointing out how to make $1,000 a day, or at least in a month. No to speak about - how to make a million dollar from…

Ferry from El Puerto de Santa Maria to Cadiz


The other day we arrived to El Puerto de Santa Maria just for one reason, we had red in some travel guide, that if approaching from Jerez to Cadiz, a nice option to have is to take a ferry leaving El Puerto and connecting with Cadiz. It…

Fair in El Puerto de Santa Maria


Right, its time to continue our latest adventures from our latest Spain trip (visiting region of Andalusia). In today's Piece of Life series a trade fair in small town of El Puerto de Santa Maria. We left Jerez early in the morning and…

Campsite 'Miera Osta' near Pāvilosta


I'm a huge admirer of Latvian seashore town of Pāvilosta. I guess I first discovered it just last year. This Summer we spent many trips to Pāvilosta and vicinity - just by doing nothing - wandering around.  The other weekend we found a…

Deep in the Forest


I'm not a huge fan of wild woods, instead, I prefer parks, thus this time I agreed to accompany a person in a thing called mushroom gathering, and believe it or not - I even got a nice catch of mushrooms.  In today's Piece of Life series…

Gravel and Crushed Stone For Foundation


This Summer I will need a lot of gravel and crushed stone for home remodeling tasks, mainly for foundation sealing works. Some time ago (while digging a pond),  I negotiated a few cubic meters of gravel from neighbor, who was sealing…

Sponge Cake With Wild Berries


Here comes another post on food blogger series, and again I must admit I'm not the original creator of following sponge cake, my better part is.  Sponge cake with wild berries Really cool cake, here is photos and cooking directions:…

Digging a trench around existing foundation - Building a bathroom from scratch - part 4


Here comes another update on building a bathroom from scratch series in project home remodeling. The thing is - the house we got didn't pamper us a lot, and so for example I had to install new supporting beams, not to speak about changing…

Concreting Foundation For a Garden Pizza Oven - Part 2


This Summer I excelled in concreting works, the major concreting works involves concreting stone wall inside our rural country house and concreting house foundation (more on that in upcoming posts from home remodeling series) In spare…