Drupal 8 Configuration for Nginx Server Blocks, Ubuntu 14.04


After a long period of doubts should I start testing and developing with Drupal 8, which stable version is not yet released, yesterday I decided to give a try for a Drupal 8 beta release. I bought a new Linode VPS, quickly deployed there…

Il tredicesimo apostolo (The Thirteenth Apostle) TV series


A long time has passed since I wrote about the TV series I watch - it could mean just one - I watch them less. Well, that doesn't mean I'm not watching any more TV series at all. I'm! So - here comes one interesting TV series from Italy…

Affordable Rental Prices in Catalonia, Spain - Starting EUR 400.00/month


Today I was looking for long term apartment rentals in Spain and I was surprised of how cheap some of them are. Honestly, looking through some of the photos I was surprsied.I have been in Spain just once, and I have seen just a small part…

Restaurant 'Деловой ...' Review in Tskneti


Welcome to another Tbilisi Restaurant review - today I will speak of a restaurant located in Tbilisi Suburbs in Tskenti. The problem is that I don't know name of this restaurant, today I asked a locals and they told it's called a 'Biz...…

Kopala Bowling Review in Tskneti


Kopala Bowling is a bowling center located in the suburbs of Tbilisi, the mountainous village of Tskneti. This is one of the few places in Tbilisi and the neighborhood to play bowling.  We have been familiar with this place for ages, as…

Mobile Devices in Digital Economy: My Case Study with Black Friday and Cyber Monday


Today I red an interesting article on Forbes The Digital Economy Is The New "App Economy"  By Ross Mauri, IBM. According to the annual IBM Digital Analytics Benchmark results, overall online sales rose 13.9 percent for the 2014 holiday…

Second Traffic Spike Happened - more than 3,500 Unique Visitors on January 19


Another major traffic spike to my blog happened on January 19, 2015, when total unique visitor count reached 3,584. Update: Read how I got 10,000 page views in day a year later. Previous or first major traffic spike happened about a year…

The Dezerter Bazaar (Market) in Tbilisi - Day Before New Year's Eve


In this article, I have listed a few photos from the visit to the Tbilisi Dezerteer market on December 30, 2014 ( Warning - Some of the images may be inappropriate for some users, on few of them are pictured slaughtered animals. I'm not…

Public Coffee Tbilisi Review (Aghmashenebeli avenue)


Welcome to another Tbilisi "restaurant" review. This time I would like to talk about Public Coffee on Aghmashenebeli avenue (Right next to McDonald's). Update: Seem this place is out of business The reason I enjoy this place - because…

Proposed New High Speed Rail Line - Moscow - Beijing could cost ~$ 230 bln


<p>While <a href="http://www.reinisfischer.com/pictures-khazar-islands-azerbaijan-tower">… are building it's super expensive project Khazar Islands</a> with estimate costs of ~ $100 bln, Russians together…

Pictures of Khazar Islands, Azerbaijan Tower


I have never been to Azerbaijan, but have heard a lot of it's plans to build a super expensive project of Khazar Islands and worlds highest tower - Azerbaijan, somewhere close to it's capital city Baku. More than a year ago - I wrote…

South African Fish Farms in Georgia (Sagarejo, Sartichala)


The other day I was contacted on my blog's contact form by locally living foreigner in Georgia originally coming from South Africa. It turned out Afrikaner guy (Johann Kritzinger)  is a manager of South African owned fish farms here in…

Travellers from Poland, Germany and Greece Among Top countries from European Union visiting Georgia - EU From Total Just 4.21%


According to Georgian National Tourism Administration in 2014 there was a total of  5 493 492 international travelers arriving to Georgia, what is a increase of 1.9% compared to previous year (2013) Most of the travelers arrive from…